AI Editing Functions
Shortcut: CTRL + 2
Shortcut: CTRL + 3
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: ALT + 2
Shortcut: ALT + 3
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: CTRL + 4
Shortcut: CTRL + 5
Shortcut: CTRL + 6
Shortcut: CTRL + 7
auxi PPT add-in Demos
AI for Professional Slides
AI Features for PowerPoint
Shortcut: B + /
Shortcut: A + /
Shortcut: CTRL + 7
Shortcut: Q
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Special Features
Shortcut: E
Shortcut: Q
Shortcut: I
Shortcut: F + T
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: ALT + .
Shortcut: CTRL + SHIFT + T
Shortcut: CTRL + SHIFT + C
Shortcut: CTRL + SHIFT + V
Shortcut: W
Shortcut: ALT + ,
Shortcut: CTRL + ALT + M
Features with Control Panels
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: B + /
Shortcut: A + /
Shortcut: L
Shortcut: ;
Shortcut: [
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: CTRL + 7
Shortcut: ALT + ,
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Distribute elements in PPT
Shortcut: D + V
Shortcut: D + H
Shortcut: V +
Shortcut: H +
Shortcut: V -
Shortcut: H -
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Sending Through Dimensions
Shortcut: B + W
Shortcut: F + W
Shortcut: X + T
Shortcut: CTRL + 7
Resize elements in PPT
Shortcut: S + W
Shortcut: S + H
Shortcut: S + S
Splitting and Merging
Shortcut: . + T
Shortcut: , + T
Shortcut: CTRL + 7
Swap PowerPoint Shapes
Shortcut: CTRL + /
Shortcut: /
Shortcut: CTRL + 7
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Edit Font Size in PowerPoint
Shortcut: CTRL + ]
Shortcut: CTRL + [
Insert PowerPoint Elements
Shortcut: T
Shortcut: R
Shortcut: U
Shortcut: ]
Shortcut: O
Shortcut: Smartbar only
Shortcut: P
Shortcut: G
Shortcut: M
Shortcut: I
Shortcut: N
Shortcut: S + P
Align elements in PPT
Shortcut: A + L
Shortcut: A + R
Shortcut: A + T
Shortcut: A + B
Shortcut: A + M
Shortcut: A + P
Shortcut: A + C
Shortcut: A + X
Shortcut: A + A
Shortcut: A + Z
Shortcut: CTRL + 7
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