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My Boss Is Taking Credit for My Work, What Should I Do?

You enter your boss’ office, SO excited to show them your new idea regarding the project.

They look up at you, uninterested, and reject it. Weeks later, they present the very same idea; as theirs, to the CEO and BAM they take full credit.

Short sad story, yeah?

But don’t worry, I’m here to give you practical tips to solve this, so read well!

1. Confront them.

Ok so this might feel embarrassing, but it really isn’t. You’re both grown adults and should be open for such talks. Now while it’s true that it’s okay to tell them, you need to make sure you do it the right way. Here’s how:

  1. Do it sooner rather than later. The more you wait, the more you hate.

  2. Start and end the conversation on a positive note.

  3. After commenting positively on other work-related stuff, mention the incident. Then, tell them that it kind of discouraged you that you weren’t given the credit you deserve.

  4. Be quick to mention that you’re sure they had a logical reason for taking credit to themselves and you’d like to discuss it.

  5. Keep in mind, end on a positive note!

2. Keep track of your work, in a doc.

In case the problem persists, keep good records of all your work, especially when it comes to important projects. This will come in handy if you want to have the upper hand in showing how you came up with ideas and how you worked on a project.

3. Give credit to others.

Maybe your boss is just insecure about their position and work they do, so they end up doing their best to not let others shine. How to solve that?

  1. Mention in front of them how proud you are of someone on your team for their contribution and hard work on a certain project.

  2. Make sure you show them that others’ contributions are very helpful to other team members and to your boss’ success as well.

  3. Thank others and your boss too when they help with something.

With time, your boss will start understanding the benefits of giving credit to those who deserve it, how respectful and professional it makes you look, and how important is others’ work for their own success.

4. Speak for yourself, bring your stamp with you.

Don't be afraid to actively participate in meetings and emails. Like handwriting, someone's way of speaking or writing could be recognizable. Does it ever happen to you to read a text or email, and know who it is coming from without looking at the sender's name? Exactly. Well do build your brand at work. Use your own style even when writing up ideas so that when someone reads them they can get the hint, that is coming from your beautiful brain. This one, however is definitely not easy to master.

5. Upgrade to a new boss.

If you’ve tried everything and talked to your boss and they still insist on this unacceptable act, run. You really don’t want to work with a person who’s intentionally stealing what’s not theirs! The only good solution here is that you get away from them, maybe to a new position in the same company, or to another company all together!

I hope this was helpful, and keep in mind, don’t you ever give up your right to be acknowledged and given credit to. Just be careful not to excessively focus on credit rather than focusing on the quality of your work, or else your boss is the one who will have to get a new team member :p


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